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Face and Neck Lift

Face and Neck Lift, 2021 fiyatları, Ankara Estetik Cerrah

Changes in the face oval are the most striking factors of the aging process and bring the patient candidates to the physician the most. As the age progresses, the exposure to gravity gets longer, the skin loses its elasticity, some restorative elements slow down and the tissues are no longer tight and hard as before. In the development of this condition, how the patient is fed, how much he is exposed to external factors and what he does for protection and care are as important as the genetic and structural factors. Patients who crown the positive structural elements they carry with the right protection and care, encounter this process later and survive it more lightly.

Face lift surgery offers permanent solutions for patients who have difficulty in benefiting from minor interventions. It restores the lower facial area from the front of the jowl to the under-chin area, from the lip edge and the lower lines to the entire cheek area in a non-temporary process. Afterwards, the patient is faced with a re-aging process from the new age he reached, not with the process of decreasing the effect of the surgery.

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and takes up to two hours. Starting from the front of the ear and turning back under the earlobe, the structures in the lower layer of the skin and responsible for the actual sagging are tightened first. Afterwards, the skin is stretched in front of the ear to remove the excess and the wound is closed with a linear scar formation in front of the ear that will not be encountered in daily life. If neck stretching is also added to the process, the result is much more striking. Generally, an overnight stay is required. Possible swelling and bruises disappear after a week after the procedure.

Factors effective in facial aging
Changes in the face oval are the most striking factors of the aging process and bring the patient candidates to the physician the most. As the age progresses, the exposure to gravity gets longer, the skin loses its elasticity, some restorative elements slow down and the tissues are no longer tight and hard as before. In the development of this situation, how the patient is fed until that age, how much he is exposed to external factors and what he does for protection and care are as important as the genetic and structural factors. In particular, excessive sun exposure and smoking will accelerate facial aging. Patients who crown the positive structural elements they carry with the right protection and care, encounter this process later and survive it more lightly.

How is facelift surgery performed?
Face lift surgery offers permanent solutions for patients who have difficulty in benefiting from minor interventions. It restores the lower facial area from the front of the jowl to the under-chin area, from the lip edge and the lower lines to the entire cheek area in a non-temporary process. The most important factor that ensures the permanence of this procedure is the tightening of the deep fascia of the face called SMAS. After this tightening, some excess skin will remain. This excess is taken and the operation is terminated. Contrary to popular belief, facelift surgery is not a stretching of the skin, but a tightening of the deep structures of the face. Afterwards, the patient is faced with a re-aging process from the new age he reached, not with the process of decreasing the effect of the surgery.

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and takes up to two hours. After the surgery performed with an incision starting in front of the ear and turning back under the earlobe, the wound is closed with a linear scar formation in front of the ear that will not be encountered in daily life. Generally, an overnight stay is required. Swelling and bruises, which are rarely seen after the procedure, disappear at the end of a week.

How is neck lift surgery performed?
Neck lift surgery is mostly performed at the same time as the face lift operation. In addition to the facelift operation, the neck muscles are tightened with a 2cm long incision made under the chin, and the excess skin is collected behind the ear as in facelift surgery and removed. Especially in patients with streaking or sagging along with fat in the neck area, a one-day hospitalization is sufficient as in face lift surgery for neck lift surgery, which is preferred.

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